Investments— Fall
I read something really fantastic this morning that inspired me to put together this blog post. It was about “investing” in your fall wardrobe. I will be the first person to say I do not have the expendable income to be buying all designer pieces or what we consider “investment” pieces.
Take the dollar sign value out of investment and instead think of it as investing your time and research into your wardrobe.
Can’t afford Saint Laurent everything? Same. And that’s okay! Curate your wardrobe into quality pieces that you can see yourself wearing for multiple seasons. It is so easy to get wrapped up in overspending and constantly shopping… hi, I can attest to this first hand! After reading that post I feel like I got a fresh perspective on how to tackle my wardrobe and appreciate what I DO have already. Moral of the story, be thankful for where you are in life, what you have, what you can afford, and spend less time worrying about the labels hidden behind your back.
With that being said I put together a roundup of closet staples that you can choose or not choose to invest in, hope you enjoy it!