Like almost every other girl in existence, I have strived to find a workout that will lengthen and tone my body without adding bulk to my frame. Read below to learn about how pilates has truly gotten me in the best shape both physically and mentally.
For those of you that follow along on social media (plug: @anastasiasouris) you know that I have been attending pilates, specifically reformer pilates for quite some time now. I have always been intrigued by the reformer but it was not until I tried a class that I absolutely fell in love with this workout.
The reformer pilates classes are a true test of mind and body. Using the resistance of the springs and your own body weight as a workout will help prevent from building bulk. Instead, the resistance helps to strengthen and lengthen your muscles giving you a leaner look. When I add bulk it shows instantly. Not my idea look I am going for...I want the long-legged lean look that was always so difficult for me to achieve being so short!
I began taking reformer pilates classes once a week, I started to see the change in my shape forming after a few weeks and I was lo-vi-ng ittttttt. FINALLY. Tone and some length were coming through in my legs and upper body. What I love about being on the reformer is that I get excited to be on it. It is a treat for me. Sign #1 I know I found a workout that resonates. If you have never been on one it can most definitely be intimidating, it's an entirely different way of working out compared to what most of us are used to. You are gliding in a machine attached to springs, sometimes laying on your back, other times standing on it, and even completely contorted in a position you have no idea how you got yourself in. When I say it is both physical and mental I truly mean that. It will test your mental strength in the way to trust your body that it will keep you balanced and stable. It is physical in the way that the movements are so tiny you can sometimes barely tell if you are moving at all but dear god do you feel the burn. I have absolutely loved pushing myself in my classes and feeling so confident in being strong.
So many of us put pressure on ourselves to get thinner, look smaller, lose weight. Have we ever instead thought how much more powerful we would be if we were stronger, tougher, and more stable?
I don't want to get too preachy on you but I do have to credit pilates to showing me how good it feels to be strong. Now, I will disclose working out will only get you half way to your goal. Try to live a healthy lifestyle: drink more water, get more sleep, eat less junk. I shared last week how adding apple cider vinegar to my routine has benefited me as well, you can check out the post here. There are so many little options you can do to get you a step further to a healthier lifestyle.
I wanted to share this post because so many of you have reached out to me on social asking how I liked the classes if it was worth it (classes can get a little pricey! I ended up buying a package because the individual classes were adding up quickly) and so on. I will say if you have never tried any form of pilates before, take a mat class or use Youtube! I have gotten so many workouts done on the go or late night through youtube! I will share a few below :) For those of you ready to take a reformer class, GO FOR IT! It is such a fun way to work out and would love to hear how your class went!
If you have any questions on classes, benefits of this workout or anything at all leave me a comment or message me on insta! I would love to hear from you!